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Running Portainer Server and Portainer Agent Using Docker Swarm

Portainer can manage containers anywhere and at any time without being restricted to a specific vendor or technology. Container adoption is accelerated by Portainer. It tackles the security issues with operating containers in Docker, Swarm, Nomad, and Kubernetes and lowers operational complexity.

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Photo by Barrett Ward / Unsplash

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Utilizing Kubernetes (K8s) with Rancher, VirtualBox, and Vagrant

Kubernetes uses a declarative approach, where users define the desired state of their apps using YAML or JSON config files. The K8s control plane then constantly works to ensure that the current state matches the desired state, orchestrating the deployment and management of containers accordingly.

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Photo by Paul Teysen / Unsplash

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Concept and Utilizing HAProxy, Docker Swarm, and Multiplexing Web Apps

HAProxy is a free, open-source software that provides high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based apps. It is mainly used to distribute incoming traffic across servers, ensuring that no server becomes overwhelmed with requests and maximizing performance and reliability.

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Photo by Ian Taylor / Unsplash